October, 1988


                         BROTHER LOUNDIS "LOU" BARTIE

                                 (1925 - 1988)


       On August 29th , 1988, our dear Brother Lou departed from this life

       for his eternal rewards.  Our hearts and prayers are with him and

       his lovely and charming wife, Gertrude, and their family.


       Lou was born on November 12, 1925, in Cameron, Louisiana.  On May

       25,  1943, he enlisted in the United Sates Navy at the age of 17.    

      He devoted 30 years of exemplary service to his country,  most of

       which was spent on submarine duty.


       Brother Bartie will always be remembered by his fellow knights of

       Council  7445  for his willingness to lend a  helping  hand  when

       needed.   Lou  was  a quiet,  almost shy,  man who  could  always

       fascinate everyone with his amazing life history.   Our Council

       is  so much enriched for having had Lou with us for these few,  but

       great, years.   Thank you  for all the wonderful memories,  and may

       your soul rest in peace.


                                   Morris Lavergne Jr.


       Our  Council  held  a  Rosary for Brother  Lou Bartie  on  Friday

       evening,  October 2,  at the Evans Funeral Home,  and his Requiem

       Mass  was held at St. John Fisher Church on Saturday,  October  3,

       where  a naval guard of honor escorted the coffin at  the  church

       and to the burial at Green Lawn Cemetery.



  October  1, Saturday...Family Day Pic-Nic, from 2 p.m. at Krolczyk's.

           9, Sunday...……..Barbecue after all the morning masses at Sacred

                         Heart Church.

          10, Monday……...COLUMBUS DAY

          11, Tuesday……...Blood Drive from 6 p.m. at Sacred Heart CCD Building

                                       raffle and supper.

          12, Wednesday…..Bible Study starts at 7:15 p.m. in the CCD Building.

          16, Sunday…….....Sacred Heart Parish Bazaar and Turkey Dinner.

          25, Tuesday……...Officers meeting.


  November 6, Sunday.....Barbecue after all the morning masses at Sacred

                                       Heart Church.

           8, Tuesday……...ELECTION DAY.

                                       Regular meeting.

          19, Saturday….….Ladies Evening.

          20, Sunday..….….Distribute food baskets.

          22, Tuesday……...Officers meeting.

          24, Thursday…….THANKSGIVING.



  Note:   All  meetings will be held at Sacred Heart parish CCE building  at

          7:30 p.m. unless otherwise stated.


  Future Events:

          December.......Christmas on Morton Street.

                                Christmas Party.




  Dear Brothers,

  Thank  you  all  for making my first three months as Grand  Knight  a  real

  pleasure   (aside  from  the  paperwork).    Everyone  is  saying   'Yes!';

  volunteering  is  at  an  all-time high level;  good ideas  are  coming  in

  regularly;  and overall interest from old and new seems to be  outstanding.

  I see no reason to doubt that the rest of this year will be even better.


  Be  sure  to look around at the next council meeting,  I'll wager that  you

  will see someone new.   We have gained five new first degree  members,  and

  through  the diligent efforts of our retention committee we have  rekindled

  the  interest of several brothers who for many reasons have been unable  to

  participate  recently.   But  as  you  all know  there  are  many  Catholic

  gentlemen  in  our three parishes who have not been given  the  opportunity

  through  either  invitation  of information to enjoy the  benefits  of  our

  order.   Make yourselves available to them,  wear your emblem,  and welcome 

  them to join with us.

  By the way,  the next time you see Fr. Eric, say welcome to our Council.  It

  is wonderful to see him at our meetings, so tell him thanks for the support

  he is offering.


  See  you  all at the pic-nic,  or the meeting,  or the B-B-Q,  and bring  a

  prospective K of C with you.


            Fraternally Yours in Christ, Brick R. Hodge, Grand Knight




  Around  the  first  of October we were asked by our  bishop  to  support  a

  capital  fund campaign for some extra special needs of our  diocese.   This

  appeal brings to mind some characteristics of our Church, namely: those  we

  call 'catholic',  and 'universal'.  This means that our Church was designed

  by  Divine  grace to unite and sanctify people of all races,  cultures  and

  times.   It means also that its success depends on the Holy Spirit  working

  through  us,  and for that to happen we,  in turn,  must allow ourselves to

  embrace  the  larger family we call the diocese,  and to think  beyond  our

  personal and local needs and to be concerned for this larger  family.   The

  Knights  of  Columbus  have  always been a strong supporter  of  this  more

  universal  aspect  of  our Church¬  and have  consistently  and  generously 

  supported this attitude by allits actions®   May God bless your efforts in 

  whatever actions you decide to take.


          Yours in Christ¬ Fr® Jack (Broussard)





  On September 1³ we honored our late Brother Lou Bartie by naming our  first 

  degree  ceremony  after  him  in memory of his years of  commitment  to  us 

  brothers of this Council as well to all his fellow people®  At that meeting 

  we were very happy to initiate five gentlemen into the first  degree¬  five 

  young  men  offering  more of their lives in Christ's service  through  our 

  order®   Please look out for them¬ welcome them¬ and let them know what you 

  do as a KC®  Encourage them by your friendship and your enthusiasm®  And we 

  most certainly do welcome you new knights heartily into our Council:



Michael Cusimano„ of Richmond¬ a sales manager with Accent,


Jerrel Hartfiel„ of Richmond¬ a coach at Alief ISD,


Marvin Kuhn„ of Richmond who has a 'Hot Shot§ delivery service,


Mark Meyer„ of Needville who is a builder and designer,


Bill Reinecker
 of Pecan Grove who is in oil and gas and has just

          arrived from Kansas.


  We  rejoice  in calling you our brothers¬  and hope to get to know you  all

  better at our future activities.


  We  also welcome into our midst a brother of longer standing¬  but  new  to 

  Sacred Heart Parish¬ Father Eric Pitre¬ known as 'Fr Eric'¬ our new pastor®  

  It  is with great joy that we welcome you¬  not only that, with you, we are 

  continuing the tradition of centering our activities on Sacred Heart by the 

  use  of the CCD building¬  but also that we have you with us for  meetings¬ 

  and for the support that any organization like ours needs from the  church®  

  We look forward to many years of a close relationship with you¬ Father¬ and 

  to our serving the needs of our community more through you.





  The award for the 'KC of the Month§ for August was given very worthily to a 

  brother  who  has  been doing a grand jo  for many a year¬  and this  is  a 

  thank-you  to Brother Morris Lavergne for all his tireless efforts  ¬  that 

  more exhausted his family¬  over the past two years as Grand  Knight®   Now 

  that  that  is past¬  Morris has continued with as much vigor¬  and he  was 

  awarded this honor in particular for all his efforts that culminated in the 

  very successful Garage Sale in August®  Why does this award seem so late in 

  being  announced   The  awards are announced at the meeting in  the  month 

  following the events¬ and have to be published therefore in the month after 

  that®   In  any  case¬  we thank you Morris for all you have done  for  the 

  Council¬ you are doing and what we know you will continue to do.



  The award for the 'Family of the Month§ went to a family that deserves this 

  award many¬  many times®   We honored the family of Deputy Grand Knight Don 

  and  Jeanette  Ries  for being so involved in all the  Council and  Parish 

  affairs®   We say 'thank you Don§ in particular for your tremendous help in 

  August  with the Garage Sale¬  and in general for serving as an officer  of 

  our Council for so long  with all the duties you attend to¬ and for serving 

  the Parish Council®  And to you¬ Jeanette¬ for running the CCE program¬ and 

  for your children all being involved with the parish activities such as CCE 

  and  altar  boys®   Thanks for being a shining example of  an  all-involved 






  Our  annual blood drive will be at our open October meeting®   This  means 

  that all the families are welcome®  Whether you give a pint¬ or not¬ supper 

  will be served from · o'clock¬ and the raffle draw will begin then®  If you 

  can  give a pint of blood¬  just show up®   If you want  more  information¬ 

  please  phone  Brother  Tim Tator at 343-0586®   Your  donation  will help 

  someone one day¬  later¬  and maybe save a life you have never heard of¬ or 

  it  may  save  a member of your family®   Each year we give  the  blood  to 

  whoever  is  most in need®   We have a few units credited to our  Council's 

  account  which we can still give away this month®   Do you know anyone  who 

  needs it?  Phone Tim.





  When you read this newsletter¬  if you still have KC raffle tickets¬ please 

  return them to the brother who gave them to you®   We need every ticket  to 

  be sold®   There are only 50° of them¬ but only those sold over 25° give us 

  any  income as we guarantee $250° in prizes®   Please start handing in your 

  moneys and tickets now¬ and come to the draw at · p.m® on October 1± at our 

  open meeting.





  The  Study  of Holy Scriptures will begin again at Sacred Heart  Parish  on 

  Wednesday¬  October 12¬  and a different group will meet on Sunday¬ October 

  23®   It  is proposed that both groups will start with St Luke's Act of the 

  Apostles  using  the Little Rock Series course, in the library of  the  CCD 

  building®   However¬  from  there it will be up to the groups to decide  on 

  their future® 


  The  Wednesday group will then meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of 

  each  month  at 7:1µ p.m®  and study under the guidance of  Brother  Morris 

  Lavergne®   The Sunday group will meet every Sunday at 9:3° a.m®  under the 

  leadership  of  Denise Markech®   The courses¬  times and format  can  then 

  change according to the wishes of their groups®   Whether you signed up  or 

  not, please just come and listen to the Word of God, and enjoy it.





  Here it comes again¬ time for turkeys to be cooked¬ with all the trimmings¬ 

  plants to be brought into bloom¬ a rare old master to be given for auction¬ 

  a home-made knick-knack¬ or a cake®  Yes¬ it is bazaar time again at Sacred 

  Heart®   Sunday¬  October 16¬ we shall need cooks and servers¬ clearers and 

  cleaners¬ as well as the myriad of helpers and all your friends to come and 

  enjoy  themselves  at a veritable feast®   Collect your turkeys  and  other 

  ingredients  from  the CCD building between ¹ and 1° on the Friday  morning 

  before®  Cook your turkeys and pies and bring them between ¹ and 1° o'clock 

  on the Sunday for we serve at 1± o'clock®   If you do not know what to  do¬ 

  call Brother Dennis Barrett at 342-3936¬  if you do not know where to  go¬ 

  head south from the 5¹ on 3¶ a mile or so to the American Legion Hall¬  you 

  will see us all there.






  ***************ª Study the Issues»  Vote on November ¸ ********************


  All Brother  Knights  are  reminded of  the  very  important  presidential

  election  to be held on November 8®   One of the many issues to consider in 

  this campaign is the contrasting stand of the two tickets on the  Right-to-

  Life issue®  Both Bush and Quayle are solid¬ outspoken pro-lifers¬ and they 

  have been endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee®  The Democratic 

  ticket of Dukakis and Benson support the pro-abortion (or pro-choice) point 

  of  view®   Mr  Dukakis¬  as a state representative¬  sponsored a  bill in 

  Massachusetts  in 197° to legalize abortion®   This was three years  before 

  the  U.S®  Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion in  the   United 



  Besides  the abortion issue¬  the next President is expected to appoint  at 

  least  three¬  and  possibly four¬  U.S®  Supreme  Court  Justices®   These 

  appointments  will have a long-lasting impact upon judicial interpretations 

  in this country®   This is a second important area to consider when you are 

  deciding your next choice for President.


  Most importantly¬  whether yo a are conservative or liberal¬  Republican  or 

  Democrat¬  help make democracy work by studying the issues and by voting on 

  November 8.


               Gene de Bons¬ Family Activity Director.






  For about the last two years your lecturer has been very kindly helped with 

  this  newsletter  by  the able fingers and the modern wizardry of  the  PC¬ 

  wordprocessors¬  thesaurI and spell-checkers of one Squire who  volunteered 

  to  type this newsletter for us®   Month after month¬  between homework  or 

  sacking¬  pages  of nice clean print rolled off his printer¬  and hence  we 

  announced  in the banner that this newsletter was 'Printed by the Squires'®  

  You should have noticed by now that it appears no more®  It was Paul Muehr¬ 

  son of Brother Al¬ who sat up late many nights to decipher my hand-writing¬ 

  and  to get it into the American idiom®   For this effort the Knights  made 

  two  donations a year to the Squires to help fill their coffers and to  say 

  'thank you'®   Time moves on and waits for no boy®   As a senior¬  Paul is 

  making  the  best  of  his last chances at Lamar High School where  he  is 

  studying  Math  and Physics mainly¬  so as to get into Texas A   M  for  an 

  ElectricalEngineering degree®  He is also in the Air Force Junior ROTC and 

  in the National Honors Society®  We have known him also as the Chief Squire 

  of our Columbian Squires®  


  Work hard¬  and aim for the moon¬ Paul¬ and thanks for the patience and the 

  long hours you have put in for me.





  I have just come back from a great pic-nic®  What a perfect day¬  sunny and 

  cool®   Tons of food and drink¬  lots of friends¬ how relaxing®  Why didn't 

  anyone save a scoop of the made-on-site ice cream for me®  Those kids could 

  hardly  wait  to stop churning before it was gone®     did not even  get  a 

  lick®  There are some sore bones now after the volleyballand football¬ but 

  you  all looked to be having a load of fun®   Thanks everyone for  coming¬ 

  cooking¬  eating and clearing®   It is funny¬  though¬  I missed the annual

  shower of rain!





  Anna's  father¬  Sidney  Mensik¬  our  Grand  Knight's  father-in-law¬  is 

  progressing well at home now in Rosenberg.


  Brother Ricardo Ramos§ wife¬ Hermina¬ is doing much better now¬ and luckily 

  did not need surgery


  Brother Mike Pastor is feeling well¬ and says that he is just about back to 

  normal now.




  Brother Dennis and Marjory Barrett¬  Brother Joe and Joy Jankowski¬ Brother 

  Aleø  and Esther Joswiak¬  Brother Morris and Theresa Lavergne¬ Brother Bob 

  and Pamela Morgenstern¬ Brother Allen and Cynthia GailNewall¬ Brother Tony 

  and Sandy Novak¬  Brother Elliott and Shirley Nowak¬  Brother Bill and Judy 

  Reinecker and Brother Tony and Wallie Trevino.




  Brother  Joe  Atkinson¬  Brother Dennis and Marjory  Barrett¬  Brother  Bob 

  Bauhs¬  Mildred (Brother Bill© Covell¬  Brother Ken Dooley¬  Olga  (Brother 

  Charles©  Garza¬  Brother  Gary Graske¬  Lois (Brother  Larry©  Gremminger¬ 

  Brother Jerrel Hartfiel¬  Anna (Brother Brick© Hodge¬  Pamela (Brother Bob© 

  Morgenstern¬  Cathy  (Brother  Kent©  Myers¬  Brother  Jackie  Savoie¬  Kay 

  (Brother  Louis© Scopel¬  Brother Victor Skrabanek¬  Brother Roland  Smith¬ 

  Mary Jane (Brother Jodie© Stavinoha¬  Brother Oscar Taccogna¬  Brother Mark 

  and Linda Towle, Brother Greg Visoski and Brother David Webster.





       Brothers in need         Brother Frank BernalIII         34³ - 9007

       New members              Brother Allen Ewald              34² - 6037

       Newsletter items         Brother PaulMetcalf             34² - 9096


                     SEE YOU AT OUR NEXT MEETING ON OCTOBER 11

  WEAR YOUR BADGE                                          WEAR YOUR EMBLEM

                              PRAY FOR VOCATIONS