Council 7445 Newsletter| January 2022
Knights of Columbus
Bishop Claude Dubuis Council 7445
January 18-2022
Council Calendar Update
Aboyi Olokpo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: kofC 7445 officers meeting
Time: Jan 18, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 4351 2737
Passcode: 1hgRF0
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 885 4351 2737
Passcode: 751381
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Wednesday Jan-19
Novena for Life begins

Tuesday Jan-25
Council Business meeting
Room 1&2 in the CCE

Friday Jan-28
38th Galveston-Houston Chapter Clergy Appreciation Night
Bayou City Event Center
9401 Knight Road
Houston, Texas 77045
7:00pm-Dinner and Program
Tickets $45.00/Person
All parishioners welcome!
Come join us for a special night of joy and love for the clergy and consecrated religious of the Archdiocese
Please contact your GK to make your reservation

Saturday Jan-29
Monthly rosary for families
Please join brother knights to lead the family rosary prayers after the Saturday morning mass. Mass starts at 8:00am. Prayers will be in the church immediately after mass ends

Saturday 05 to Sunday 06 Feb-22
Super-Bowl BBQ Briskets - Cook and service

Saturday Feb-12/22
Couple's night - An evening of Entertainment for knights and their ladies.
Save the date - this will be a special night for us to enjoy with our ladies, a catered dinner in a special place, just in time for valentine's day!

Note: We continue to support our parish's faith formation program with "Protect our Children" activities by providing patrols during CCE every Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Please join us in this service every week.

                                          Your Brother in Christ,
                                              Aboyi Olokpo, GK

Knights of Columbus Council 7445 | 21711 Honeysuckle Grove Ln, Richmond, TX 77469, Richmond, TX 77469