October 30, 2017 Newsletter
Council 7445 CALENDAR
Please check out our Council's Upcoming Events listed below and help out when you can. 
Thank You!

Through our practice of charity and fraternity, we are called to bring the joy of the Gospel to others.

Sat., & Sun., November 4th & 5th
Parish Baby Shower Benefiting Pregnancy Resource Medical Center
Sponsored by Sacred Heart Respect Life and KofC Council #7445.  See bulletin for details.

Sat., & Sun., November 4th & 5th
Military support project (Frontline Faith Project and Trees for Troops) fundraiser.   

Sat., November 4th
BBQ Prep - Contact Brother Greg Nemec if able to assist with prep (713) 416-2983 or greg@southwesttexas.com

Sun., November 5th
BBQ Cook Team C.  Please notify Brother Greg Nemec if able to assist with cook (713) 416-2983 or greg@southwesttexas.com
Will need help with sales after each morning Mass.  Please assist where able and wear a KofC shirt and/or hat if possible.

Sat., November 11th
Veterans Day Corporate Communion Memorial Mass, 5:30 pm, to honor all who served in the military and remember deceased Brothers of Council #7445.  Please plan to attend and represent the KofC. 
Sun., November 12th
Planned VA Hospital visit

Sat., November 18th
Our very own Brother Deacon Thomas' Priesthood Ordination, 10 am - a 4th degree turnout will be provided.  If able to participate in turnout please contact GK and plan to arrive (no later than 9:15 am) to our Mother of Perpetual Help Shrine).

Tue., November 21st
Movie for next Social Meeting - "Called and Chosen - Fr Vincent Capodanno".  90 minutes.  Spouses are welcome and encouraged to attend.  Popcorn, Cookies and Drinks will be provided.  Please plan to come and enjoy this film with your brother knights.  
Thank you PGK Howard Harbes for sharing with us.  Social begins at 6:30 pm, Movie to begin at 7 pm.

Wed., November 22nd
Turkey Cook and Pickup

Sat., November 25th
Christ the King Celebration Hamburger and Hot Dog Cook

Sat. & Sun. November 25th & 26th
Prayer cards for Persecuted Christians passed out after Masses

Tue., November 28th
Business Meeting - CCE Bldg (open to all active Knights in good standing). 6:45 pm Meal/Social, 7:30 Meeting.  2018 Proposed Budget discussion/vote.

Council and Business Meetings held in CCE Bldg Rms 1-3 unless posted otherwise
Thank YOU!

Brother Knights - 

Thank you to the Brother Knights that were able to participate in our 5th Sunday Rosary before Saturday morning Mass.  Since October is observed as Respect Life Month we prayed a Rosary for Life:  meditating on the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary as a prayer for all life, from conception to natural death.  It was very well received and we hope to continue the practice of the Knights leading the rosary on the 5th Sunday.  A special thanks to Brother Bob Svoboda for helping to lead the rosary.

Vivat Jesus!  Viva Cristo Rey!
GK David Hobson

Volunteer(s) Needed
A volunteer opportunity request from our Parish Administrator, Oscar Gushiken
Possibly a good fit for a parent of a child in Life Teen.
Please prayerfully consider and let Oscar know.



Akunna, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, has a LifeTeen session Sunday evenings.  In the Fall it is usually dark by that hour and it would be good if we could have one volunteer to help make sure kids get into vehicles and wait for Akunna to lockup.  LifeTeen is on Sundays from September - May.  The volunteer would only need to be here toward the end of LifeTeen from 8:15 pm to 8:45 pm.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Warm regards,

Oscar A. Gushiken
Business Administrator

Sacred Heart Church / KC Council 7445 Baby Shower

Benefiting the Pregnancy Resource Medical Center (PRMC) in Rosenberg

When:  at all Masses the weekend of November 4th and 5th

Where:  Sacred Heart Church

Sacred Heart Respect Life and the Knights of Columbus, Council 7445, is sponsoring a baby shower for the Pregnancy Resource Medical Center in Rosenberg with much needed baby items.  We are asking each family to bring at least one item to Mass (see bulletin for list of items needed) and place in the trailer parked outside in front of the church.  Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated and can be placed in the designated box that weekend.  Please make checks payable to the PRMC.

Thank you for your generosity!

Military Projects - Sat/Sun 11/4-5

Please remember the KofC will be collecting for the Frontline Faith and Trees for Troops projects on the first weekend in November for :

mp3 players with spiritual information, reflections and devotions for deployed troops and Christmas trees for troops and their families.

Your support for these two projects is greatly appreciated as we extend our mercy as a parish to those who protect our freedom and rights.

KofC Insurance


If you have any questions about the current benefits you have or would like to set up a time to review options, please email Field Agent Marty Gibula at marty.gibula@kofc.org or call him at 713-823-9182.

Upcoming Discussion/Vote

Brothers all - 

Please review attached KC Council #7445 2018 proposed budget:

It will be discussed and voted on at November's Business Meeting

Also, if any brother Knight would like to make a nomination of someone needing financial aid due to the Hurricane Harvey floods;  we will be distributing the remaining balance of $1,000.00 to those directly impacted. Please only one request per Council member.

For questions on the budget please contact:
Chris Adams 713-480-5857 or Arthur Hausler 281-633-1643

For questions on the relief funds contact:
David Hobson 832-755-8239

Vivat Jesus!  Viva Cristo Rey!
GK David Hobson

Upcoming Events

Tue., October 31st
All Hallows' Eve - Halloween

Wed., November 1st
All Saints Day - Holy Day!

Wed., November 1st
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Sacred Heart Chapel... 9 am to 10 pm

Thu., November 2nd
All Soul's Day

Sat., & Sun., November 4th & 5th
SHC / KofC PRMC Fall Baby Shower - list of needed items in bulletin.

Sat., & Sun., November 4th & 5th
Military Support Project Fundraiser after Masses.

Sat., November 4th
BBQ Prep - Contact Brother Greg Nemec if able to assist with prep (713) 416-2983 or greg@southwesttexas.com

Sun., November 5th
Daylight Savings Time Ends

Sun., November 5th
BBQ Cook Team C.  Please notify Brother Greg Nemec if able to assist with cook (713) 416-2983 or greg@southwesttexas.com
Will need help with sales after each morning Mass.  Please assist where able and wear a KofC shirt and/or hat if possible.

Sat., November 11th
Veterans Day

Sat., November 11th
Corporate Communion Memorial Mass, 5:30 pm, to honor all who served in the military and remember deceased Brothers of Council #7445.  Please plan to attend and represent the KofC. 

Sun., November 12th
Planned VA Hospital visit

Tue., November 14th
Monthly Chapter Meeting, 420 Telephone Road.  Rosary at 6:30 PM at the flag pole. Dinner at 7:00 PM, Meeting at 7:30 PM.
Sat., November 18th
The Priesthood Ordination Mass of Brother Thomas Aquinas To-Kha Hoang, CSsR:
10 am Saturday, November 18th
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Shrine
3417 W. Little York Road - Houston, TX 77091

Tue., November 21st
Movie for next Social Meeting - "Called and Chosen - Fr Vincent Capodanno".  90 minutes.  Social 6:30 pm, Movie begins at 7 pm.  Come relax and enjoy!

Wed., November 22nd
Turkey Cook and Pickup

Thu., November 23rd
Happy THANKSgiving Day!
Sat., November 25th
Christ the King Celebration/Concert - Hamburger - Hot Dog Cook

Sat. & Sun. November 25th & 26th
Prayer cards for Persecuted Christians passed out after Masses

Tue., November 28th
Business Meeting - CCE Bldg (open to all active Knights in good standing). 6:45 pm Meal/Social, 7:30 Meeting. 2018 proposed Budget discussion/vote to take place.
Changes in Contact Information

Please reply to this email if any of your contact information (email address, phone #, etc.) has changed or will be changing so we may update our records.  Thank you.


Knights of Columbus Council 7445
PO Box 668
Richmond, Texas 77469
Knights of Columbus Council 7445
% FS Arthur Hausler
21711 Honeysuckle Grove
Richmond, TX 77469-5382
GK David Hobson
4402 Meadowbend Drive
Richmond, TX 77469
   832-755-8239 (Cell)
Council Website - http://www.kc7445.org