May 12, 2015 
           Council 7445  CALENDAR          

Please check out Our Council's upcoming events below and help out when you can.  Thank You!!


Tue   May 12   KC Regular Meeting - 7:30PM
Sat    May 16   Adopt a Highway Trash Pick-up - 7:00 AM
Mon   May 18   "Phase 2" Knight Parish Work Day - 4:00PM - See Details Below
Tue   May 26   KC Business Meeting - 7:30 PM
Sat   May 30   4th Degree Exemplification - Epiphany of Our Lord - Katy
Sun   May 31   KC Council 7445 Corp Communion - 9:30AM Mass
Sun   Jun 21    Father's Day
Tue  Jun 23    Council Business Meeting - 7:30PM 
Sat   Jun 27    Council Awards/Installation Banquet - 3PM Set Up/Dinner 7PM FLC

Regular Meeting are on the 2nd Tuesday and Business Meeting are on the 4th Tuesday .  Fellowship/Meal starts at 6:45PM and the meeting starts at 7:30 PM 

Regular and Business Meetings held in CCE Bldg Rms1-3 unless posted otherwise

Last Week's Updates


Congratulations to Brother Gerry Veasey on completing 2nd/3rd Degree Exemplification last Saturday in Conroe.  Brother Marty Gibula and the GK made the trip with him.  If you have not made a 1st or 2nd/3rd Degree Exemplification lately, you need to try to attend, these ceremonies are a great reminder of what the Knights of Columbus are all about.  Gerry's son Garrett is ready to sign up but will have to wait 2 years as he is only 16.   


Well the Weather Predicting Persons all had it wrong and God allowed the Work Group composed of Art Hausler, Larry Stryk, Jill Stryk (Brother Larry's Daughter), Blaine Strnadel (17 Year old Son of Brother Jared), Danny Walthall, David Hobson, Michael Speich, Kevin Eades, Scott Burton, and the GK, to complete the Spruce Up Program for the trees along the East side of the CCE Building and 2 trees on the West Front of the Church. There was time, supplies , and crew enthusiasm left to add in the sago palm and larger oak tree at the church into the program.  Take a look and see what you think.  We are looking at Phase 2 for next Monday - see details below. 


May Service Opportunities


On the afternoon of Monday, May 18th starting at 4:00PM we will have a Council work session for the Phase 2 Parish Tree spruce up - which will relate to adding the stone borders to the flower beds at the Rectory.  Feel free to show up earlier, I plan to pick up the materials about noon on that day and be there about 3:00PM to start positioning materials for work.   After the work is complete a meal will be served for a fellowship session for all workers.  We do need a head count to insure sufficient food is ready, so please call Larry (832-520-4044) or Arthur (281-633-1643)  The more hands, the better - and quicker the job will get completed. 


Council Officer Election time is on us as the new fiscal year approaches.  There are several officer positions openings.  Please contact Brother Mark Stryk if you have any interest.  Officer Elections will take place at the May 26th Council Business meeting Here is the slate as proposed by the Council Trustees:

  • Grand Knight - Howard Harbes
  • Deputy GK - David Hobson (new)
  • Chancellor - Raul DeLeon (past DGK) ....  Tony Trevino (retired)
  • Recorder  - Kevin Eaves (new)  ... Danny Walthall (retired)
  • Treasurer - Larry Stryk
  • Advocate - John Burkett (past OS Guard) ....  George Boyum (retired)
  • Warden - Don Hoeveler
  • Inside Guard - James Waite  
  • Outside Guard - Mike Weber (New)  
  • Trustees - Marty Gibula, Mark Stryk, Rickey Constantine 
  • Nominations will also be taken from the field at the May 12th Regular Meeting and prior to the vote on May 26th.
  • Installation of Officers will take place on June 27 in the FLC Gym.

June Cook is a TBD at this time as far as date is concerned.  There is a schedule conflict on June 6th/7th as well as Brother Martinez having rotator cup surgery on June 5th.  Discussion is still continuing on his event.


Please look at your calendar and please schedule family and/or your time to support the Parish and Council events.


If you have any concerns or comments contact Grand Knight, Howard Harbes, at 832-567-7631(cell) or 281-342-9334(hm).

Pro Life Activities  

Contact your U.S. Representative (From KofC Supreme)

Dear Brother Knight,


The U.S. House of Representatives will vote this week on H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This important measure will ban abortions on unborn children aged 20 weeks or older, based upon substantial medical evidence that these unborn children can experience pain. With H.R. 36, Congress will exercise its authority to protect these vulnerable pre-born children.


However, while a vote has been scheduled for later this week, successful passage of H.R. 36 is not assured. H.R. 36 needs your personal support. Please contact your elected congressional representatives today by clicking here. Ask them to support H.R. 36 with their vote, and encourage your family, friends, fellow parishioners, and Brother Knights to get involved and actively support this legislation.


At the 132nd Supreme Convention in Orlando, we resolved to "speak out to our elected representatives about the need to enact protect human life."  With the upcoming vote on H.R. 36, it is critical that Congress hears your voice.


Thank you for all you do to promote a Culture of Life.

Knights of Columbus


Pro-Life Ace Wings -

Viewing the movie "Blood Money" (80 minutes) will serve as three of the five event requirements. This is a very informative documentary involving women having had abortions and others previously involved in the abortion industry who are now Pro-Life. 
For program description and  requirements, click on the following link:


Abortion is not a Choice, it is a BABY'S LIFE ENDED.   
Be Pro-Life your Mother was.
Changes in Contact Information

Please reply to this email if any of your contact information (email address, phone #, etc.) has changed or will be changing so we may update our records.  Thank you.


Knights of Columbus Council 7445
PO Box 668
Richmond, Texas 77469


Knights of Columbus Council 7445

% FS Arthur Hausler

21711 Honeysuckle Grove

Richmond, TX 77469-5382


   832-567-7631 (GK Cell)

281-342-9334 (GK Home)